To date, this webpage has been funded entirely by donations from individuals and reenacting organizations. Should you wish to contribute money, the costs are outlined below. If you wish to contribute information (preferably primary-sourced information), please use the Contact page to send us an email.
While each Regiment differs in the amount of time they spent in North America, and thus the number of quarterly casualty lists required, the average regiment spent 1.5 years (or six quarters) in North America. The cost to have these Muster Rolls and Casualty Returns copied and sent from the National Archives in Kew Gardens is approximately $100.00 Canadian.
If you wish to donate, please make a contribution using the PayPal button below. If you would like to sponsor a Regiment, and can donate the full cost of researching a Regiment, please use the 'Add Additional Instructions' button in PayPal to tell us which Regiment you are sponsoring and that will be noted on our Acknowledgements page.